Top Ten signs you might be a Northwest Motocrosser

Top Ten signs you might be a Northwest Motocrosser

10. You can’t drive past any large building with out thinking it would make a great indoor track.

9. You have ridden on an indoor track the size of a ice rink.

8. Your convinced that summer doesn’t start until July 5th

7. You have thought what will it take to put a big pole barn over this track.

6. You have actually struggled deciding between Salem or Woodland

5. The idea of leaving your bike and gear near Horn Rapids and flying there to ride on the weekends doesn’t seem so far fetched.

4. If you won the lottery you have plans to build a large indoor track.

3. After riding indoors all winter you have a better seat bounce then James Stewart.

2. Your favorite track has more days closed for rain then its open.

1. You don’t actually own any mud tires in an area that rains every day for 9 months a year.